A Warm Welcome

This post is for me as much as it is for you. It is a warm welcome, a welcome home to yourself.

As I sit down to write this short note, I recognize that for me, this is a huge and scary feat.

I hope that you will find your story reflected through the articulation of my own struggles and triumphs. After 13 years of working with women across the globe, it never ceases to amaze me how strong and capable women are, how often we forget it, and how alone we feel in our personal struggles and pain. It is easy to project confidence and happiness onto others, but it is so rare that we turn that gaze upon ourselves and acknowledge our own gifts, strength, and worth.

I wish for the Haia community to become the remedy for women. I envision a world where women pull each other up, support one another, and reclaim our worthiness.

I believe the first step in that direction is acknowledging that we are only open and available when we are well and cared for. So the question is, how do we take small yet significant steps toward prioritizing our health? Perhaps today, it is only about becoming aware that your health matters and you deserve to feel good and well.

Marion Woodman reflects in her book *Coming Home To Myself*: β€œCan I really believe I am worth an hour a day? Am I, who have given my life to others, selfish enough to take one hour a day to find myself?”

Notice how your body reacts when reading her words. This is where the work begins.

Can you become conscious of how your body reacts to the idea of prioritizing self-care? Can you become aware of your thoughts and feelings around it?

Can you be okay with whatever arises, however it arises? Embrace what is. Notice what is. Then allow for a natural desire to care for yourself to arise. Trust that desire and follow it toward a version of life where you finally feel really, really good.

Cheers to following our innate longing to be loved by simply directing some of that love onto ourselves.

With Love,
