The Haia Method

What Sets Us Apart: The Haia Method

  • Meet You Where You Are

    We understand that womanhood is a beautiful yet challenging journey, marked by constant changes in your body and mind. At Haia, there's no pressure to achieve perfection. Instead, we offer a set of skills, tools, and practices that meet you where you are, helping to sustain your well-being through every phase. Our approach allows you to embrace the ebb and flow of life, receiving support exactly when and where you need it.

  • Women-Centered Approach

    At Haia, our programs are designed by women, for women, ensuring a deep understanding of your unique experiences and needs. Founded by Carolina and supported by a team of women in different phases of womanhood, Haia is dedicated to creating the village women need to thrive. Every offering is intentional, building solid habits and fostering unshakable self-care commitments. We welcome all of you—your needs, desires, aspirations, and right to feel good—because you are so much more than just your body.

  • Quality Over Quantity

    We believe true happiness comes from being present and content with what already exists. Our integrative approach ensures that every part of you is cared for and nourished. While time may be limited as a mother, we focus on the quality of movement, nourishment, sleep, and mental wellness practices. Our potent and effective content is designed to fit into your life, emphasizing quality over quantity.

  • We Evolve with You

    At Haia, we are committed to evolving with you and the times. We stay grounded in what is natural and inherent to women, while also integrating the latest scientific evidence. Our programs and content adapt to your experiences as a woman and mother, ensuring we meet your evolving needs. We are here for your growth, nourishment, and to uplift you, continually updating our offerings to better serve our community.

The values we live by

  1. Simplicity and Pleasure in Wellness: We believe that taking care of your body and mind should be simple, pleasurable, and a source of nourishment.

  2. Uplifting of Women-kind: We believe that women are at the center of our families and communities. By celebrating and elevating each other, we contribute to healing the world.

  3. Ownership of Health: We believe that when you own your health, you own your energy, and you become a force.

  4. Love-Driven Habits: We believe that habits practiced with love, presence, and appreciation reflect the highest form of self-love and contribute to holistic well-being.

  5. Your Body is Genius: We believe in the body’s capacity to heal itself. Medicine comes in all shapes and sizes; connection, nature, movement, and slowing down.

The Origin of our Method

Caring for Mamas & Enhancing Your Body’s Integrity

Evolution in Women’s Wellness: Our method was born from the need for an evolution in how woman care for themselves, aiming to revolutionize the way we live life and walk the planet.

  1. Supporting Women: At Haia, we recognize the challenge of womanhood and the tendency to neglect self-care at different phases of life. We provide resources to help women embrace each phase, manage its demands, and prioritize their physical and mental well-being.

  2. Comprehensive Well-being Focus: We prioritize your well-being seriously, addressing each aspect with a focus on function and form:

    • Movement: Enhancing physical alignment, addressing common postpartum issues, and preparing your body functionally for motherhood.

    • Nourishment: Providing essential nutrients for energy and vitality, ensuring your body is healthy and strong.

    • Sleep: Promoting restful sleep so you wake up ready to embrace each day with vigor.

    • Mental Wellness: Supporting mental resilience and emotional well-being for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Our founder, Carolina Gabilondo

Shaping the future of feminine wellness:

Hi! I'm Carolina Gabilondo, the founder of Haia. Balancing the demands of motherhood with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old, I've often felt drained, pouring from an empty cup. Both pregnancies were particularly challenging, and I struggled to find resources to help me embrace motherhood, manage the load, and heal my body and mind. I yearned for a community that viewed motherhood as a time of thriving, but instead, I saw overwhelm, desperation, and survival.

This journey led me to reclaim my well-being, believing I could feel vital again. Thus, Haia was born—a platform bringing potent tools and practices to your fingertips so we can thrive together. Haia is accessible to women in every phase of womanhood, tailored to your cycles and offering tools to feel alive and enjoy life. Our integrative approach nurtures your mind, body, and soul with flexibility.

I wish for you to thrive and connect to the wisdom of your body, knowing that it empowers everyone in your life to thrive too. Join us as we support each other, reclaim our energy, balance our minds, bodies, and souls, and restore the health and goodness of humanity and the earth.

Meet Your Team

  • Carolina Gabilondo

    Carolina Gabilondo, CEO and founder of Haia, combines over 13 years of experience as a yoga and fitness expert in Miami, NYC, and Mexico City. Specializing in training aspiring instructors, Carolina enhances teaching and public speaking skills through holistic wellness programs. Her approach fosters a present and inclusive environment, catering to diverse levels and learning styles, with a background in dance and a strong emphasis on alignment for both physical and mental growth. Inspired by her journey through motherhood, Carolina developed Haia to empower women with integrative health solutions that support vitality and balance at every stage of motherhood.

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